A specially curated bouquet of purple and lavender hues, the Lavender Romance bouquet is a beautiful flower collection designed by expert florists. With its unique look and attractive design, it makes a great gift for numerous occasions.
The Lavender Romance bouquet consists of Hot-pink Rose, Asiatic Lily, Purple Alstroemeria, Hot-pink Spray Roses, and other seasonal flowers in matching hues. Along with assorted greeneries and fillers, this beautiful bouquet comes in a cylindrical clear vase.
The color purple and lavender stand for courage and wisdom. Also, purple flowers mean “I’m Sorry”. So, if you have wronged your beloved lately, this stunning flower bouquet apologize in style with a romantic gesture. And even if you don’t need to be apologetic, the uniqueness of this bouquet is sure to impress the receiver irrespective of your relationship with them and the occasion.
Since we place the utmost importance on using only fresh and the best quality flowers in all our flower bouquets and floral arrangements, based on availability, the actual product design, colors, varieties, and container may slightly vary from the picture shown above.
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